ChooseWhy Choose This Program?

Why Study Communication & Media at Goucher?

培养学生的传播历史意识,掌握大众语言 media. 云顶集团要求他们发展一种批判的观点,强调道德 judgments about the most current media issues. Academic and theoretical classes are 辅以以技能为导向的课程、云顶集团实习和研究活动, 以及电视演播室、现场视频、音频和新媒体制作课程.

LearnWhat Will You Learn?

What Will You Learn?

鼓励学生在电视和电影研究中追求特定的兴趣; video and audio production; print, radio, and television journalism; photography; public relations; popular culture studies; and new media. Extracurricular work with 校园广播电台、数字媒体网站和学生报纸都提供实践机会 experience. 学生们在不同的领域完成实习,包括电视, 广播、公共关系、非营利行动主义、电影、新闻写作和制作、市场营销、 and new media production and training. Students are also encouraged to pursue independent projects.  Learn More

DoWhat Will You Do?

What Will You Do?

我们社会的大多数领域都需要沟通和媒体技能. The 娱乐和流行文化,新闻,政治,信息和 数据和商业需要社交媒体,网络,数字技术, narrative structures, and audio-visual aesthetics.

我们的学生在BET网络,吉姆·汉森生物工作室实习, The Washington Post, Time, Us Weekly, HBO Documentaries, The New York Times Magazine, MTV Networks, and Fortune and Popular Science magazines. 我们的许多学生参加了顶尖的研究生课程,而其他人则建立了 careers at organizations such as The New York Times, HBO, Vice, ABC, CNN, and ESPN.


Program Contact
Danny Kimball,媒体批评、媒体政策与监管系系主任、助理教授, and New Media

Full-Time & Half-Time Faculty
Sonja Bozic,助理教授:数字艺术与文化、数字电影制作、写作/制作 for Digital Media

Cara Dickason云顶集团助理教授:女性主义媒体理论、电视与数字技术 Race and Class in Popular Culture

Daniel Marcus,教授:媒体史与批评、纪录片与影像制作 Screenwriting

达西莫里斯,助理教授:媒体写作,媒体历史和批评,和 Public Relations

Siobahn Stiles副教授:战略传播与女性主义媒体研究

David Zurawik, Assistant Professor: Journalism, Media Criticism, and New Media

Affiliate Faculty
Becky Free

Gabe Dinsmoor, Lecturer

Study Abroad


位于悉尼郊外的麦考瑞大学为学生提供了这样的机会 part in the city life. With just about 30,000 students, including 8,000 international 来自超过71个国家的学生,麦格理能够为今天的学生做好准备 constantly changing, highly competitive society. The international studies program 包括学期开始时在悉尼以外的一个地点进行的培训. 这所学校开设云顶集团和媒体课程. There are 也有机会让出国留学的学生参加实习 a combination of work-based learning and academic assessment. The program is offered in the fall and spring semesters and for a full academic year.

课程包括:澳大利亚媒体、编剧导论、新闻与时事 事务、电影概论、广播制作、先进广播、 多媒体理论与制作,印刷媒体制作,屏幕制作,媒体 形式:从字母到网络,媒介写作理论,媒介身份, 文化与科技、编剧、当代世界影院、公共关系、 国际事务概论、跨文化交际、跨文化 国际关系,国际电视,国际传播运动,国际 公共关系与广告,全球知识与社会,国际写作 Business and Finance.

The University of the Sunshine Coast 在昆士兰开设的课程包括新闻、公共关系、市场营销、 and Communication. 它位于国家公园的边缘,是当地袋鼠的家园, 校园里充满了阳光和户外活动,只要你有空就可以做 time. 校园靠近昆士兰州首府布里斯班和大堡礁 Reef. 学校为所有国际项目提供迎新课程. The 该计划提供春季和秋季学期以及整个学年. Study 留学生也可以申请实习,一般相当于一次或一次 two courses.

现有课程包括:澳大利亚媒体行业:传播导论 研究,通讯专业编辑,计算机辅助报道, 广告:文案和图片,新闻轮询,媒体和推广:旅游和酒店, 新闻写作:印刷和广播,网络写作,创意广告,高级 News Reporting, Media Relations, Research into Australian

新闻学、传播与思想、国际市场营销、项目与活动 管理,传播理论与实践,小屏幕,大生意:电视 行业,创意活动管理,广告活动,传播活动 策划,小屏幕非小说写作,国际传播,推广 Management, Sport and Event Marketing, and Marketing Research Project.


Great Britain

The University of East Anglia 位于英国最古老的城市之一诺维奇,拥有一座大都会 population of 375,000. UEA has over 13,000 students. It is home to the Sainsbury Centre 视觉艺术专业,被《云顶集团》描述为“也许是最伟大的” resource of its type on any university campus." The collection combines works from 来自世界各地的美术和云顶集团艺术的西方著名艺术家. The university's 传播学、文化和媒体研究的研究排名前三 in the country. The program is offered for the fall and spring semesters and for a full academic year. Courses cover film studies, television studies, American studies, society, culture and media, and politics and media.

The University of Westminster is one of London's oldest educational institutions. The university comprises several 不同的学院,拥有约16000名本科生 the UK and over 80 other countries. The School of Communication and Creative Industries 位于哈罗校区,距离伦敦市中心30分钟路程,靠近地铁 stop. 在英国政府的官方教学和研究卓越排名中, 在传播、设计和媒体领域,没有一所大学的排名能超过纽约大学 University of Westminster. This center of excellence is housed in a £30 million custom-built campus. 校园拥有广播质量的电视、广播、摄影和音乐工作室 and computer facilities. The school has an orientation program for all international students. 该项目提供秋季和春季学期和一个完整的 academic year.

开设动画、艺术与媒体实践、传播学、当代艺术等课程 传媒实践、电影、平面信息设计、插画、影像、新闻学、 管理,媒体研究,摄影,公共关系,广播和电视.


Intensive Courses Abroad

Communication and media studies is not presently providing any ICAs. Students may be interested in ARB 272G: Arab Cinemas, Cultures, and Identities.


More Information

欲了解更多海外留学机会,请云顶集团云顶集团 Office of Global Education Website.

Opportunities & Internships


The Quindecim (The Q)

The Quindecim,是云顶集团的独立学生报纸,由云顶集团的学生出版 除假期及考试期间外,本学年每两周一次. The Quindecim Online publishes new content throughout the academic year. The publication was founded in 1913.

The Quindecim 分发给1400多名学生、教师、职员、校友/i、理事和其他人士 云顶集团社区的成员,可以在超过25个地点找到 campus, and throughout the Towson area. The Quindecim 总是希望学生对新闻,写作,商业,广告, design, photography, cartooning, social media, and multimedia. Please email expressing your interest to join the staff.

Goucher Radio Station

Located in the Athenaeum, the Goucher Radio Station serves as the home to DJs and the nerve center for the GCSR community. Goucher College 学生电台继续为校园提供智能和创造性的节目 and virtually unrestricted content. Listen live, 24/7!

Student Employment

寻找适合传播学和传媒专业的校内工作 students, please visit the Career Education Office.


Internship Program

The Department requires a 2-4 credit internship for all majors. Contact the Career 教育办公室的详细要求和机会,目前张贴. CMS 专业学生在各种各样的公司、非营利组织和政府机构实习, during the school year and in the summer, in Baltimore and elsewhere. Companies listed 以下是一些提供实习机会的公司 past.

Television Studios

2000 W. 41st St.
Baltimore, MD 21211
Phone: 410-467-4545

亲身体验与设备工作,写作和记录自己的故事. Extremely friendly staff; students are treated as peers, not interns.

WBAL Channel 11 (NBC)
3800 Hooper Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21211
Phone: 410-467-3000
Fax: 410-338-6616

Field work with camera crews and news reporters, writing news stories. Internships 在社区关系、新闻、制作、节目、促销和 sports. 面试,工作样本,求职信,简历和大学成绩单 for application.

Black Entertainment Television Network
One BET Plaza
1235 W Street
Washington, DC 20018-121
Phone: 202-608-2169

Internship applications available online at the official BET website.

Radio Stations

WIYY-98 Rock
3800 Hooper Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21211
Phone: 410-889-0098
Fax: 410-675-7946
Contact: Jim Yates

实习机会包括营销、广播、制作、节目和促销. 学生协助电台宣传和直播工作室,以及制作 studio. This position is open to junior and seniors; marketing and journalism majors are preferred. Interview is required.

WRNR-103.1 FM
112 Main St. 3rd floor
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-626-0103
Fax: 410-267-7634

For students interested in radio broadcasting; internships are available in editing, operations, productions, sales, and traffic reporting. All years are welcome. Interview required.

Public Relations Internships

Harrison Edwards Public Relations
51 Babbitt Road
New York, NY 10507
Phone: 914-242-0010

较强的写作和沟通能力,性格灵活 multitask. 公司规模较小,能够了解同事和客户.

Cole Communications
272 First Ave.
New York, NY 10009
Phone: 212-995-1415

Fast-paced, small firm that gives interns a lot of attention; students are assigned a lot of different tasks to do in many venues.

Advertising Internships

Horich Parks Lebow
5 Shawan Road
Hunt Valley, MD 21030
Contact: Chip Hector, Partner/VP Operations

Production Internships

Ed Reahl Productions
504 Baltimore Ave.
Towson, MD 21204
Phone: 410-823-5570

Overall view of the world of television production. Internship positions vary from year to year.

Groundbreaking Enterprises
P.O. Box 20301
Baltimore, MD 21284
Phone: 410-574-3147

Enhances writing and video editing skills. Video production, tape duplications, and commercial work also available. Groundbreaking Enterprises produces Community in Touch这是一个以巴尔的摩为基地的电视节目,探索各种社区社区 organizations around the city.


The Washington Post
1150 15th St., N.W.,
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-334-6415
Contact: Judith Havemann, Director

带薪实习可在地铁,时尚,体育和商业部门. There are 还有新闻摄影、网页设计和文案工作的实习机会. 获得以下一项或多项宝贵技能的经验:编辑、报道、新闻摄影、 and graphic design.


Popular Science
2 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10016
Phone: 212-779-5339
Contact: Mariette DiChristina, Executive Director

实习生作为编辑人员的一部分,从事编辑支持,研究和 reporting, writing, and proofreading. This is internship pays $1,000 for 10 weeks. 学生将获得编辑、报道、研究、新闻摄影、制作、 graphic art, and electronic publishing.

校外经历的详细描述刊登在 Career Education Office 并详细描述了实习的指导方针和时间表. Students 有兴趣安排在传播和媒体研究实习,请联系 their individual academic advisors.


实习帮助学生探索可能性,云顶集团课堂学习,并有所收获 experience. Explore internships and credit options.

Student Employment

Student employment connects students to both on and off-campus opportunities. The Career Education Office 为有或没有联邦工作学习的学生提供资源和支持 工作,提交申请,并了解更多关于求职过程. Students have access to Handshake -一个招聘、活动、简历/求职信和职业管理的网站.

Major & Career Exploration

探索职业选择,选择专业,做出职业决定是一个多步骤的过程 process in which all students are encouraged to engage early and often. Goucher students have a variety of resources available through the Majors and Career page to assist them in this process.

Job Search

云顶集团教育为学生准备今天的就业市场和未来. Students 能透过网站寻找工作机会及查阅求职资源吗 CEO Job Search page.

Graduate & Professional School

学生可以云顶集团资源来搜索和申请研究生和专业 school through the CEO Graduate and Professional School page,通过教职员工,或利用自己的资源,网络和 tools.

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School 4+1 BA/MS Program

云顶集团和约翰霍普金斯大学凯里商学院也招收云顶集团的学生 a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree program. This 4+1 program 他拥有云顶集团大学的学士学位和约翰大学的理学硕士学位 霍普金斯大学的商业分析和风险管理,信息系统,医疗保健 management, finance, or marketing. Students can apply during their junior year. GRE 或GMAT考试已被豁免,但申请人必须达到最低累积GPA 3.25分或以上,通过部分定量推理课程,成绩为 B or better.

Alumni ProfileChevron iconRebecca Bell '13

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Rebecca Bell '13

“Coming to Goucher and the U.S. allowed me to experience things I would never have had the opportunity to do!”

Read My Story